Jeff Steiner's Americans in France.
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Champs-Elysé Audiomagazines

We can all use help to improve our French, I still find myself from time to time talking back to the TV or radio, trying to pronounce the words exactly as I hear them. I find this technique really works, but what about those that aren't living in France, or want a more portable way to improve their French or feel funny taking to the TV?

That's where Champs-Elysées.comSpeak a Foreign Language? Speak it Better!, my newest sponsor comes in. They produce monthly audiomagazines for intermediate to advanced speakers of French, available on either CD or tape, including a 60-to70-page magazine.

Each monthly edition is an hour long and consists of interviews with French personalities, segments covering current events and issues, and insights into contemporary French culture and traditions.

The magazine contains a word-for-word transcript and a glossary with translations of difficult words and phrases. Also included are biographical, historical, political, and cultural notes. This I really like as it gives you some background on what is being discussed and thus you have more of an understanding of the context of the discussion. What good is understanding the words without their context?

Lastly, an optional study supplement with listening exercises and grammar drills is also available in each issue.

For more information: Champs-Elysées AudiomagazinesSpeak a Foreign Language? Speak it Better!.


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