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Subject: i want to stay in france - suggestions?
Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Name: kendal
Message: I came to France 4 months ago to work as an English Assistant and my position at the Lycee is over in April. I desperatly want to stay in France for at least another 6 - 12 months if not longer but that would require me to get a job and my carte de sejour will expire in May. My french is not good but is improving daily. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Replies Posted 4.

Name SHinck
Message Sourav (and anyone else)

I too would like to obtain a CDI and dont mind working in the Hotel industry... or any industry for that matter.

If anyone has ANY information they would like to give me to help me in this endeavor. please contact me at swhinck at hotmail dot com.

I look forward to hearing from anyone who can share information on this and I am willing to share any information I have found as well.

By the way, that is also my MSN Messenger account if you prefer to communicate via messenger.

I look forward to hearing from you !

Name Sourav Choudhury
Message When I came to France some 3 years ago, I looked for and found a job in the hotel industry. I guess you can even try any industry that deals with tourists, where they need people who can speak english (my french was very bad at that time). Alternatively, you can even try a job in the teaching industry, as an english teacher, provided english is your native language.

If you want to work as a teacher, I would suggest you to pick up a FUSAC (a free magazine you can find in the american church). If you are interested in the hotel industry, write a CV along with a covering letter (I did it in English, so don't worry about that), sit down with your computer, and send it to as many hotels as you can. I send my CV to some 300 hotels and got two positive replies within 48 hours (even with my primitive french and dark skin color). I guess the reason was that people in the tourism industry desperately needs employees who can speak english.

Advantage in the hotel industry - you will get a permanent job, what they call CDI here. Job satisfaction ... you have to adjust.

Advantage in the teaching industry - Better job satisfaction. Disadvantage, tough to get a CDI and people are normally taken in an hourly basis, and tough, if you are not a native speaker.

Name S
Message You could try going down to the French Riviera and looking for work on private yachts or in private homes. Depending on your professional, hostessing, cooking, boat skills. The bigger boats usually require certification and expereince but some of the smaller ones are willing to train. Good luck. S.

Name Mike
Message Well, I don't know. Did u think about marryin' a girl n then get french citizensip... ? this is just a suggestion


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