Jeff Steiner's Americans in France.
Resource for people that would like to live or travel in France.
Burger TVTV Survey

Burger TV is the first and only general entertainment channel for Americans living abroad. We’d like your input to better provide you the kind of channel you want to watch. One minute may give you hours of viewing pleasure.


Martial Status:

Demographic Age Group:

Nationality or country of birth:

How do you currently receive your television channels:

Where do you currently watch programs in English:

How would you value a general entertainment channel of your favorite American programs:

Would a channel with your favorite American programs sway your decision to choose a television provider:

What is the most important program genre to you:

Please Enter Text Shown in Picture:

The information you are providing is strictly confidential. The information you provide will not be given to any third party or used to contact you. We will only use this information internally to better assess your interests for a general entertainment channel targeting an English speaking audience